Research Ethics

In accordance with the ESS ERIC Statutes (Article 23.3), the ESS ERIC subscribes to the Declaration on Professional Ethics of the International Statistical Institute.

ESS ERIC Research Ethics Board

The first meeting of the Research Ethics Board, at which the Chair, Julie de Jong was elected, took place in September 2018. Its members include:

  • Julie de Jong (Chair - USA)
  • Edith de Leeuw (Methods Advisory Board (MAB) representative - The Netherlands)
  • Tom Smith (Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) representative - USA)
  • Manuela Bonacci (National Coordinators' representative - Italy)
  • Emily Gilbert (ordinary member - UK)
  • Gert Wagner (ordinary member - Germany)

The ESS ERIC Data Protection Officer (DPO) is an ex officio member.

The Research Ethics Committee reviews applications for studies for which the ESS ERIC is directly responsible, that is, which it directly contracts.

A Privacy notice for ESS Round 10 target respondents is available on the Survey Participants page of this site.

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If you have any problems, concerns or questions about an ESS ERIC study, please contact the Secretary to the ESS ERIC Research Ethics Board: